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Spherical roller bearings

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ADD:Yiyang Industry Gathering Zone,Luoyang City, China



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Spherical roller bearings

Spherical roller bearings have double-row rollers, the outer ring has a common spherical raceway, and the inner ring has two raceways that are inclined at an angle relative to the bearing axis. This ingenious structure makes it have self-aligning performance, so it is not easy to be affected by the angle of the shaft and the bearing box seat on the error or shaft bending. It is suitable for the occasions where the installation error or the shaft deflection causes the angle error. In addition to being able to withstand radial loads, the bearing can also withstand bidirectional axial loads. Spherical roller bearings have cylindrical and conical bores. The taper of the conical cone bore is 1:30 and 1:12. This conical bore bearing is equipped with an adapter sleeve or a withdrawal sleeve. The tapered inner hole self-aligning ball bearing can be easily and quickly assembled on the optical shaft or the stepper shaft.
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Product description

Spherical roller bearings have double-row rollers, the outer ring has a common spherical raceway, and the inner ring has two raceways that are inclined at an angle relative to the bearing axis. This ingenious structure makes it have self-aligning performance, so it is not easy to be affected by the angle of the shaft and the bearing box seat on the error or shaft bending. It is suitable for the occasions where the installation error or the shaft deflection causes the angle error. In addition to being able to withstand radial loads, the bearing can also withstand bidirectional axial loads.
Spherical roller bearings have cylindrical and conical bores. The taper of the conical cone bore is 1:30 and 1:12. This conical bore bearing is equipped with an adapter sleeve or a withdrawal sleeve. The tapered inner hole self-aligning ball bearing can be easily and quickly assembled on the optical shaft or the stepper shaft.

Model Dimensions Weight
Cage Cr
23020CA 100X150X37 2.51   215 400 2400
23022CA 110X170X45 3.54   253 460 263
23024CA 120X180X46 4.19 Brass 263 495 2000
23026CA 130X200X52 7.04 Brass 340 350 1900
23028CA 140X210X53 6.7 Brass 365 705 1800
23030CA 150X225X56 7.44 Brass 400 795 1700
23032CA 160X240X60 8.86 Brass 445 875 1700
23034CA 170X260X67 14.2 Brass 555 1090 1600
23036CA 180X280X74 17.7 Brass 630 1280 1400
23038CA 190X290X75 16.9 Brass 700 1450 1300
23040CA 200X310X82 22.6 Brass 770 1560 1200
23044CA 220X340X90 32 Brass 935 1900 1100
23048CA 240X360X92 32.6 Brass 985 2080 1000
23052CA 260X400X104 49.8 Brass 1230 2550 900
23056CA 280X420X106 54.9 Brass 1320 2850 850
23060CA 300X460X118 73 Brass 1610 3450 800
23064CA 320X480X121 78 Brass 1960 3800 800
23068CA 340X520X133 108 Brass 1980 4400 700
23072CA 360X540X134 114 Brass 2280 4800 670
23076CA 380X560X135 118 Brass 2480 5000 630
23080CA 400X600X148 165 Brass 2540 5900 600
23084CA 420X620X150 175 Brass 2700 6400 450
23088CA 440X650X157 192 Brass 2780 6500 430
23092CA 460X680X163 223 Brass 3450 6950 400
23096CA 480X700X165 231 Brass 3340 6800 380
230/500CA 500X720X167 236 Brass 3680 7800 380
230/530CA 530X780X185 310 Brass 4370 9300 340
230/560CA 560X820X195 355 Brass 4890 10200 320
230/600CA 600X870X200 405 Brass 5230 11400 300
230/630CA 630X920X212 485 Brass 5750 12500 260
230/670CA 670X980X230 600 Steel solid 6560 14600 240
230/710CA 710X1030X236 670 Steel solid 7250 16300 220
230/750CA 750X1090X250 795 Steel solid 8450 18600 200
230/800CA 800X1150X258 895 Steel solid 8630 20000 190
230/850CA 850X1220X272 1050 Steel solid 9370 21600 180
230/900CA 900X1280X280 1200 Steel solid 10100 23200 170
230/950CA 950X1360X300 1450 Steel solid 12000 28500 160
230/1000CA 1000X1420X308 1550 Steel solid 11200 27000 150
230/1060CA 1060X1500X325 2250 Steel solid 13800 34000 135
230/1250CA 1250X1750X375 2840 Steel solid 17900 45000 120
24020CA 100X150X50 2.95   290 620 1800
24022CA 110X170X60 4.98   310 650 1700
24024CA 120X180X60 5.4 Brass 325 660 1600
24026CA 130X200X69 7.95 Brass 477 815 1500
24028CA 140X210X69 8.45 Brass 495 900 1400
24030CA 150X225X75 10.5 Brass 500 1050 1300
24032CA 160X240X80 13 Brass 570 1210 1100
24034CA 170X260X90 16.7 Brass 705 1500 1000
24036CA 180X280X100 22.5 Brass 835 1750 950
24038CA 190X290X100 24 Brass 855 1840 950
24040CA 200X310X109 30.5 Brass 985 2130 900
24044CA 220X340X118 30 Brass 1150 2500 850
24048CA 240X360X118 42.5 Brass 1240 2800 800
24052CA 260X400X140 64.5 Brass 1780 1910 700
24056CA 280X420X140 68.5 Brass 1620 3700 670
24060CA 300X460X160 97 Brass 2020 2700 600
24064CA 320X480X160 100 Brass 2480 5100 560
24068CA 340X520X180 140 Brass 2460 5700 530
24072CA 360X540X180 145 Brass 3110 6550 500
24076CA 380X560X180 150 Brass 3150 6900 480
24080CA 400X600X200 205 Brass 3600 7800 450
24084CA 420X620X200 210 Brass 3350 8450 380
24088CA 440X650X212 245 Brass 4080 8800 360
24092CA 460X680X218 275 Brass 4200 9100 340
24096CA 480X700X218 285 Brass 4490 10000 340
240/500CA 500X720X218 295 Brass 4600 10400 320
240/530CA 530X780X250 410 Brass 5640 12700 280
240/560CA 560X820X258 465 Brass 6210 14000 260
240/600CA 600X870X272 540 Brass 6730 15600 240
240/630CA 630X920X290 655 Brass 7530 17300 220
240/670CA 670X980X308 790 Steel solid 8450 20000 200
240/710CA 710X1030X315 895 Steel solid 8970 22000 190
240/750CA 750X1090X335 1065 Steel solid 9950 24000 180
240/800CA 800X1150X345 1200 Steel solid 10900 27500 170
240/850CA 850X1220X365 1410 Steel solid 12000 30000 160
240/900CA 900X1280X375 1570 Steel solid 12900 32500 150
240/950CA 950X1360X412 1990 Steel solid 14800 39000 130
240/1000CA 1000X1420X412 2140 Steel solid 15400 40500 110
240/1060CA 1060X1500X438 2515 Steel solid 17300 45500 100
240/1120CA 1120X1580X462 2925 Steel solid 18700 50000 90
23218CA 90X160X52.4 4.82   495 585 2500
23220CA 100X180X60.3 6.58   415 599 2100
23222CA 110X200X69.8 9.66 Brass 502 742 1600
23224CA 120X215X76 12 Brass 535 940 1500
23226CA 130X230X80 14 Brass 670 1020 1300
23228CA 140X250X88 18.5 Brass 910 1365 1200
23230CA 150X270X96 24 Brass 950 1550 1100
23232CA 160X290X104 30 Brass 1100 1760 1000
23234CA 170X310X110 36.5 Brass 1070 1930 950
23236CA 180X320X112 39 Brass 1160 2130 900
23238CA 190X340X120 47.5 Brass 1290 2400 850
23240CA 200X360X128 57 Brass 1360 2530 850
23244CA 220X400X144 79.58 Brass 1720 3200 750
23248CA 240X440X160 110 Brass 2080 3950 670
Spherical roller bearings
Self-aligning roller bearing
thrust roller bearings
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ADD:Yiyang Industry Gathering Zone,Luoyang City, China

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